If you are reading this post, chances are you've considered starting your own blog but aren’t sure if it’s worth it or if they are still even relevant nowadays.
Well, let me tell you that having a blog can be a lot of work, but it has so many benefits and makes it worth the effort. Blogging can be incredibly valuable to a variety of people. They bring value to readers as they often answer questions that people are asking, and other times, they are just fun to read and can take your mind off other things.
No matter if you’re an influencer, have a business, or simply enjoy writing - a blog is great for many different reasons. It helps you to position yourself in your niche, provides incredible value to your readers and you can even make a living off of it! But that’s not all - here are some of the biggest reasons why YOU should start blogging immediately and why owning a blog can level up your online presence.
You can provide value to your audience
We all know the struggle of having to fit everything we want to say into a limited character count for our Instagram posts. Often it’s just not enough to really convey the message or information we have in mind. A blog, however, allows you to deliver as much information and value as you want - directly to your readers. With no character limit, you can write an incredibly informative post about any topic. On top of that, you’ll also be building more trust with your audience, while establishing your authority in the field, which brings us to the next point.
It helps you to establish authority
Having a blog and writing about topics relevant to your audience, establishes yourself as an authority. Let’s say you are a beauty influencer - you could talk about trends, new makeup lines, cruelty free products and so on. If you have a business and sell swimwear, you can blog about sustainable clothing, fair trade production or even about the most beautiful beaches around the world. No matter what you want to write about, you will be able to demonstrate knowledge about your niche and show that people can come to you for advice. Blogging about a topic in which you would like to be viewed as an expert, can show your readers, potential employers, and your network that you are skilled, passionate and knowledgeable.
You can tell your story
Blogging allows you to tell your story the way you want, without being dependent on anyone else. When you are writing about a topic of your own interest, you can decide how to portray a story, what information to include, and what information to exclude. You can tell your personal story in detail, share your experiences and discuss anything you don’t feel like sharing on social media. The more personal you get, the easier it'll be for your readers to build a connection and trust you more.
Blog posts last forever
Another major advantage of having a blog is that they can last forever. Think about it like this: the lifespan of your Instagram post is approximately 48 hours. This means after 2 days, it’s unlikely that you’ll see further engagement on that post. And once you post more and more content, that one post will just disappear over time and it will eventually become “irrelevant”. A blog on the other hand has an increased longevity. Even if you posted something weeks or years ago, it’ll still be easy to find it and could even attract new readers! If done properly, a single blog post could be something that constantly drives new readers and subscribers to your site for years to come.
Your blog is actually yours
Do you remember the big Instagram, Facebook and WhatsApp crash a few weeks ago? In the blink of an eye, it was all gone. Luckily it was only for a few hours, but imagine if it disappeared for good. What are you left with? Nothing; no account, no followers. You’d have to start completely from scratch. Relying solely on social media platforms to connect with your audience can be risky. A blog on the other hand doesn’t have this issue because your blog will always be yours. You decide whether to take it down or not and don’t rely on any third-party application which you have no control over.
Build your email list
Having a blog will allow you to easily build an email list. If you have taken our “The Power of Instagram” course you already know what an email list is and how you can build one, but in case you haven’t - let me explain it to you quickly.
Have you ever subscribed to an email newsletter on a website in order to receive weekly emails or download a free template for example? Then you are on the mailing list of that specific website. In simple terms, an email list refers to the subscribers a website or business has - it’s basically the “the mailing list”, or “subscriber’s list”. You can look at your email list subscribers as your biggest fans. They’re the ones who know, like and trust you and your content the most and don’t want to miss any of it!
While you can use social media to build your email list, having a blog will be a more effective way of getting people to actually subscribe. If you consistently deliver great content on your blog and your readers enjoy it, chances are they would like to see more of the same. Speaking of which, if you haven’t signed up for our new weekly newsletter, you can do that now! We catch up with you every Friday to chat about what we’ve been up to, our weekly recommendations, latest social media updates and much more!
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Search engines love blog content
Especially for businesses, a blog can be super beneficial because it allows you to reach a wider audience. Search engines favor websites which deliver regular, quality blog content and will reward you for it with higher search engine rankings on the topics you blog about. In case you don’t know what I mean, search engine rankings are the pages which Google displays when you look for something in particular. When you ‘Google’ something, the most relevant results are shown first; this can be influenced by something called search engine optimization (SEO).
It has potential for self growth
The amount of things you learn as a blogger are endless. We hadn’t really thought about it before, but once you start a blog, you realize that you slowly become a master of everything. This can seem daunting, but actually it’s great fun and gives you huge scope to learn new skills. Whether it’s simply editing pictures, or changing the aesthetics of your blog by using basic coding; you’ll learn a lot of basic yet valuable information about the technological age in which we live. Social media, SEO writing, picture formatting, copywriting - these are all basic skills you can pick up within the first couple of weeks of starting your blog.
But that’s not all! It’s far more than learning new skills and newfound confidence from launching and growing a successful online business. It teaches you to be more patient, more resilient, take risks, chase after what you want, set goals, manage your time and be adaptable.
There is potential financial gain
The last advantage of having a blog is that you can potentially monetize it! Now, there are actually 3 different ways you can earn money through blogs. Firstly, you can create a direct income by allowing advertising on your blog page. If a brand sees that you get a lot of visitors and readers, they might be interested in having their advertisement on it and you can charge them for it! The more readers you have, the more you can ask for.
The second way is to leverage brand collaborations through your blog. Brands love a successful blog and thriving email list. You can turn a small collaboration into a much larger one by adding on a deliverable such as a sponsored blog post and eventually, promotion on your email list.
Lastly, if you have your own products you can always promote these through your website by giving more information and answering frequent questions. Not only will that be great for people who already know about your products, but also for new people to find them - once again, through SEO.
This concludes today's post on the top reasons why you should have a blog! Owning a blog will help level up your content marketing game, so if you are contemplating starting a blog, then I really encourage you to stop thinking about it and start doing it. It will almost certainly be one of the best decisions of your life!